The Beacon Team Mission Community consists of five parishes.
Burneside St Oswald with Longsleddale, Whereas Burneside is a large, industrial village with a Church School, Longsleddale is a very scattered rural farming community.
Grayrigg St John the Evangelist is a small rural parish, with many active farms and a thriving Church School
Kendal St George is a town parish situated right next to the river Kent with the highest population in the Beacon Team.
Skelsmergh St John the Baptist is situated just off the A6 and consists of scattered rural houses and farms.
Selside St Thomas is situated further north up the A6 and is also very rural with a small scattered population and Church school.
The Beacon Team launched as a Mission Community on Advent Sunday 2019 with the intention that all the Churches in the Team, in partnership with other denominations, would work towards sharing their resources and skills to enable the vision of ‘God for All’ become a reality. For everyone across Cumbria to have had an opportunity to discover more of God and God’s purpose for their lives.
We are just starting on this journey and are looking to see where God will take us, and what Mission opportunities open up in our communities.

There are many of us who have a role in The Beacon Team Mission Community, but here are just a few people that you might see around.
In the Beacon Team we put children, young people and vulnerable adults at the centre of what we do.
To keep everyone as safe as we can, we adopted the Church’s of England’s policy on Safeguarding and our own safeguarding policy in April 2019.
If you have any concerns, please contact the Mission Community Safeguarding Officer:
Heather Wilson on heatherwilson2@btinternet.com or 01539 734713
or the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (DSO) safeguarding.adviser@carlislediocese.org.uk or 07458 0168840
Children’s Services can be contacted on 0333 240 1727.
Local services for vulnerable adults are the responsibility of Adult Social Services.
Our local office can be contacted on kendalssd@cumbria.gov.uk or 0300 303 2704.
Click here to view the Diocese of Carlisle Safeguarding Policy

Mission Community Office, St George's Church, Castle St, Kendal LA9 7AS
01539 720018